An Australian Labour Agreement is a formal agreement between an employer and the Australian Government which allows the employ to recruit an agreed number of skilled workers from outside of Australia.
An Australian Labour Agreement is a formal agreement between an employer and the Australian Government which allows the employ to recruit an agreed number of skilled workers from outside of Australia.

Labour Agreements

May be negotiated for 482, 186 or 494 visas.


A Labour Agreement enables Australian employers to recruit a specified number of workers from overseas where they are experience a skill shortage in the Australian labour market.

Basic Eligibility:

To be eligible for a Labour Agreement, employers will be required to demonstrate that they have made genuine attempts to recruit and employ Australian permanent residents.  They may also be required to consult stakeholders (including but not limited to trade unions and peak industry bodies) when developing their agreements.

How Can Wilson Migration Help?

Wilson Migration specialises in Labour Agreements including:

  • Company Specific Labour Agreement
  • Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA)
  • On-hire Labour Agreement
  • Horticulture Labour Agreement
  • Industry Specific Agreements

Labour Agreements are a highly specialised area that we have proven experience with. See our past case studies here.

Click here to find out how a Labour Hire Agreement could benefit your business or contact us for a free initial consultation.

Labour Agreements

May be negotiated for 482, 186 or 494 visas.


A Labour Agreement enables Australian employers to recruit a specified number of workers from overseas where they are experience a skill shortage in the Australian labour market.

Basic Eligibility:

To be eligible for a Labour Agreement, employers will be required to demonstrate that they have made genuine attempts to recruit and employ Australian permanent residents.  They may also be required to consult stakeholders (including but not limited to trade unions and peak industry bodies) when developing their agreements.

How Can Wilson Migration Help?

Wilson Migration specialises in Labour Agreements including:

  • Company Specific Labour Agreement
  • Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA)
  • On-hire Labour Agreement
  • Horticulture Labour Agreement
  • Industry Specific Agreements

Labour Agreements are a highly specialised area that we have proven experience with.

Click here to find out how a Labour Hire Agreement could benefit your business or contact us for a free initial consultation.